Using a credit card at an ATM is a quick and easy way to access cash. To use your credit card at an ATM, you will need to insert your card into the card slot on the ATM machine, select the “credit” option, enter your PIN, and choose the amount of cash you would like to withdraw. The ATM will then dispense the requested cash, and the funds will be taken from your credit card account. Keep in mind that credit card withdrawals at ATMs typically have higher fees and interest rates compared to debit card withdrawals or regular credit card transactions.
To use a credit card at an ATM, follow these steps:
- Locate an ATM that accepts credit card transactions. Not all ATMs accept credit cards, so it’s important to find one that does.
- Insert your credit card into the card slot on the ATM machine. Make sure the card is inserted with the chip facing up and the card logo facing you.
- Select the language you prefer to interact with the ATM.
- Select the “credit” option. This will let the ATM know that you want to make a credit card withdrawal, rather than a debit card withdrawal.
- Enter your PIN. This is a 4-digit code that is used to verify your identity and authorize the transaction. Make sure you enter your PIN carefully, as entering it incorrectly multiple times may cause your card to become locked.
- Choose the amount of cash you would like to withdraw. After inserting your credit card and selecting the “credit” option, you will need to choose the amount of cash you would like to withdraw. The ATM will then process the transaction and dispense the cash to you. Keep in mind that there may be limits on the amount of cash you can withdraw using your credit card at an ATM, so it’s best to check with your credit card issuer to understand any withdrawal limits.
- Wait for the ATM to process the transaction and dispense the cash.
- Take your card and cash. Once the transaction is complete, the ATM will dispense the cash you requested and return your credit card. Be sure to take your card and cash and then check the amount of cash received and the card balance. If there are any discrepancies, contact your bank immediately.
- Keep in mind that credit card withdrawals at ATMs typically have higher fees and interest rates compared to debit card withdrawals or regular credit card transactions, so consider this before making the withdrawal.
- Check your account balance and statement for the withdrawal, in case of any discrepancy.
- Always remember to take your card and receipt after completing the transaction and never share your card or PIN with anyone.
Note that you may be charged a cash advance fee or a higher interest rate for using your credit card at an ATM, so it’s best to check with your credit card issuer to understand the fees and terms associated with cash advances.
Bottom line:
To use a credit card at an ATM, insert the card, select the “credit” option, enter your PIN, and choose the amount of cash you would like to withdraw. Keep in mind that credit card withdrawals at ATMs may have higher fees and interest rates than debit card withdrawals or regular credit card transactions.